Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society
Researching Warren County and beyond! We are a FamilySearch Affiliate Library!
Online Indexes and Information
The buttons below provide links to some of the extensive resources kept in our library. If you find your ancestor(s) listed on one of our pages and would like more information, please visit our Resource Library or contact our Research Chair.
Pink buttons link to Online Indexes recently added to our new website. More to come soon!
Green buttons link to our old website (http://www.wcgsoh-old.org), which still has great information. Please understand that we can no longer update the old site and those pages may have outdated information and various "404 Page Not Found" errors.
Maps and Land
There are two versions of "A map of the Indian towns, villages, camps and trails in the Virginia Military District and south-western Ohio" that can be accessed online. The first (dark background with light printing) was found in the Digital Collection at the Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library and the second (light background with dark printing) was found at the Ohio History Connection. We found these to be very interesting and hope you will, too. Many thanks to Candy Jo Tucker Hartman and Jim Brokaw for submitting these links to help our researchers.