Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society
Researching Warren County and beyond! We are a FamilySearch Affiliate Library!
Civil War Families of Warren County, Ohio
The prime objective of the Civil War Families of Warren County, Ohio, are to identify and honor the memory of those soldiers and sailors who served during the Civil War (Union or Confederate) and who lived, died, or are buried in Warren County, Ohio. Applicants must prove lineage to a direct or collateral line Civil War service ancestor.
The research and work necessary to document Civil War soldiers and sailors and their descendants is intended to foster and encourage interest in this time period of our country and to honor those who served during the war.
Requirements for Membership in the Civil War Families of Warren County, Ohio
Current members of the Warren County Genealogical Society (WCGS) may apply for membership in the Civil War Families of Warren County, Ohio. Applicants must complete an application form, showing their Civil War soldier or sailor ancestor, listing their descent from the soldier or sailor ancestor (direct or collateral), and proving their descent, war service, and residency, death, or burial in Warren County.
Applications are due by February 1st.
The Civil War Families of Warren County, Ohio, application must be accompanied by copies of ALL documents necessary to:
prove the Civil War soldier or sailor who lived, died, or is buried in Warren County; and
prove each step of descent from the Civil War soldier or sailor (direct or collateral) to the applying member.
Proof may NOT be omitted for any step. These document copies must be either:
copy machine, photo, or other facsimiles of the original document; or
EXACT typed, or hand-printed copies of the original document, certified as "TRUE COPIES" by a court-house official, genealogical librarian, or other official. All proof documents must show their source.
To apply for membership in Civil War Families of Warren County, please download and print the Civil War Families Application and Lineage Society Rules and Application Procedures.
Original applications for membership in the Civil War Families of Warren County, Ohio, must be accompanied by a $25.00 application fee, which covers as many Civil War soldier or sailor ancestors who lived, died, or are buried in Warren County, Ohio, as the applicant can prove, either at that time, or later. Please also submit a Five-Generation Pedigree Chart and applicable Family Group Records.
In addition to applying to Warren County's lineage society, make consider applying for membership in the Ohio Genealogical Society Civil War Families of Ohio.
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors and Civil War Descendants
These are lists of Civil War Soldiers and Sailors and Civil War Descendants who are shown in the Warren County Genealogical Society records. These people have been thoroughly researched by a descendant of the listed ancestor which proves their relationship to the individual and documentation that shows the indicated ancestor served in the Civil War and lived, died, or was buried in Warren County, Ohio. This is not a comprehensive list of every person who may have served in the Civil War and lived, died, or was buried in Warren County, Ohio, only a list of people who have been researched and submitted. If you have an ancestor who served in the Civil War and lived, died, or was buried in Warren County, Ohio, and would like their name to be added to this list, please submit an application as described above.
These lists are searchable by using <CTRL+F> if using a Microsoft Windows-based operating system.